Applying from Abroad

The media has been telling us for years: Germany lacks skilled workers. This affects the service industry, especially gastronomy and hospitality, but also engineering positions, experts in the IT industry, and teachers are increasingly hard to find. Even the advertising industry is slowly but surely running out of young talent. Some companies are already actively looking for skilled workers abroad, but proactive applications from skilled workers not living in Germany are also welcomed by HR managers.
Is It Noticeably Harder for Foreigners Not Living in Germany to Find a Job in Germany?

This also partially answers the question about the hurdles. If you apply for a position from abroad that cannot be filled with domestic applicants, you have a very good chance that the company will assist you in many ways. However, if you apply for a position for which there are readily available competitors, fewer bureaucratic requirements will be lifted for you. So whether it’s easier or harder to apply from abroad clearly depends on the industry or even the position to be filled.
Does It Deter HR Managers If They Read a Foreign Address or Different Nationality on the Cover Letter?

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. In general, however, for positions that need to be filled quickly, a distant address can contribute to you not being shortlisted, given the same qualifications. If there is a possibility that the position does not have to be filled immediately, your chances are again equal.
Should You Directly Mention That You Are Willing to Move to Germany and Bear These Costs Yourself?

It shouldn’t have to be explicitly mentioned that you are willing to move to Germany. Your application for the open position speaks for itself. However, you can mention your willingness, especially in a personal conversation. You should not address the costs, neither in the cover letter nor in the interview. If employment is to occur, the contract is already drafted and under negotiation; that is the right time to also negotiate relocation costs.
How Does the Search for Accommodation Work?

Many companies help their employees who are not from the local area with finding accommodation. Some companies can offer their new employees company apartments—temporarily or permanently; others can recommend a real estate agent or at least provide other tips.
What Tips Should You Heed When Applying in Germany?

In addition to your professional credentials and qualifications such as certificates, references, and awards, accolades for so-called soft skills are also recommended. For non-German native speakers, this primarily includes language certificates, but also recognitions of volunteer activities or undertakings that required characteristics necessary for the desired position can be added to your application documents. However, only attachments relevant to the activity should be sent. If you are applying for a position in an IT company, your athletic commitment is rather irrelevant. It’s different when applying in the service sector, as here, physical condition can have a positive impact (on sick days, work-related pain, and the like).
Insurance – How and Where Do You Have to Insure Yourself?

In Germany, social insurance is mandatory. All employees in Germany are insured by the company for which they work. Employees choose their own health insurance, in addition to contributions to unemployment insurance, nursing care, and pension insurance. These are uniform and cannot be chosen individually. As soon as you have signed the employment contract, you can tell the HR department which health insurance you would like to be insured with—the monthly contributions are „automatically“ deducted from your gross salary.
What Should Be Considered Regarding the Residence Permit?

In Germany, social insurance is mandatory. All employees in Germany are insured by the company for which they work. Employees choose their own health insurance, in addition to contributions to unemployment insurance, nursing care, and pension insurance. These are uniform and cannot be chosen individually. As soon as you have signed the employment contract, you can tell the HR department which health insurance you would like to be insured with—the monthly contributions are „automatically“ deducted from your gross salary.

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